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Enhanced AI Assistant and Tabbing Features for Improved Reporting Experience

Written by Datatrixs | May 28, 2024 4:58:35 PM


We're thrilled to announce two exciting updates that are sure to take your reporting to the next level: AI Assistant improvements and the introduction of Tabs!

AI Assistant

The AI Assistant has been enhanced to provide even more in-depth analysis and insights for your reports. By utilizing this tool, you can easily uncover key information and issues that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. This includes the ability to incorporate management discussion and analysis (MD&A) as well as detailed notes to provide a comprehensive overview.


In addition to the AI Assistant improvements, the introduction of tabs offers a new level of customization and organization to your reports. With the dynamic capabilities of tabs, you can now segment your content in a way that is tailored to the specific needs and preferences of your clients. This not only makes the information more easily digestible but also allows for a more streamlined and efficient presentation of data.

Overall, these enhancements aim to elevate the quality and usability of your reports, ultimately enhancing the overall client experience.